Friday, July 13, 2007


Sigve has been hospitalised once more. We're all mourning.
Maybe just therefor I need to hold on to some of the bright moments of this summer.
Last week at "The Sand", the local term for the wonderful beach 20 minutes from our home.

Gunnar having a lonesome night walk at the Sand

Only in Norway can such beauty be combined with perfect peace.

Popping in at aunt Lilly's. She has knitted Gunnar a new Islandic sweater, recovering from a severe op at the age of 86.

Serina also doing some recreating in her very best corner.

The great heaven painter spreading his brush.
Sundown time is when we are at our thriving peak.

Three minutes from our house is Harald the Fairhaired,the king credited to unite Norway in the year 872, buried.

Sun in from west. I in my garden gnome outfit, gathering herbs.

Beach wild flowers.

I once had a boat...

Serina V has made this self portrait with Garden Jasmine.